EHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award 2024

The EHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Award celebrates achievements that foster inclusivity. It recognizes efforts taken by individuals, teams, or organizations (collectively “candidate”) to promote DEI within leadership, initiatives, and overall work. By showcasing successful DEI practices, EHA wishes to inspire and motivate members to prioritize DEI and create a positive impact on the hematology community and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.

See the award criteria here.


Nominations for the award are now closed.


All nominations will be informed of the outcomes by May 15, 2024.

Award criteria

Nominees for the European Hematology Association (EHA) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award must demonstrate to have implemented one or more of the following criteria and will be assessed based on these criteria:

  1. Promotion of diversity: The candidate should have implemented effective strategies to promote diversity within the field of hematology, such as the creation of an inclusive culture by actively increasing representation of and creating opportunities for underrepresented groups.
  2. Commitment to equity: The candidate should have demonstrated a strong commitment to promoting equity in hematology, by advocating for fair and unbiased treatment of all individuals, addressing disparities in access to resources and opportunities, and ensuring equal representation and participation.
  3. Contribution to inclusion: The candidate should have made notable contributions towards creating an inclusive environment within the field of hematology, by actively engaging diverse stakeholders, fostering collaboration, and networking opportunities, and ensuring the voices and perspectives of all individuals are heard and valued.
  4. Impact and innovation: The candidate should have achieved measurable impact and shown innovative approaches to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in hematology. This could include initiatives that have resulted in improved outcomes an inclusion of underrepresented groups, the development and implementation of effective diversity and inclusion programs, or the implementation of innovative policies and practices.
  5. Sustainability and scalability: The candidate should have demonstrated a commitment to sustaining and scaling their efforts, ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion become an integral part of the whole hematology community and are embedded in long-term strategies and practices.
  6. Leadership and influence: The candidate should have demonstrated leadership and influence in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the European hematology community. This could include holding leadership positions in relevant organizations, actively advocating for diversity and inclusion at conferences and meetings, practicing allyship for underrepresented groups, or influencing policy and practice through research, publications, or other means.
  7. Collaboration and partnership: The candidate should have a proven track record of collaborating with other stakeholders, such as academic institutions, industry leaders, patient advocacy groups, and policymakers, to collectively advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within hematology.

It is important to note that the specific criteria for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award may vary depending on EHA’s guidelines and objectives. These criteria are suggestions based on common practices and principles in recognizing excellence in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.